Friday, February 19, 2010

VaLeNtInEs DaY

The reason why I believe that my Valentines Day was delightful was because my beloved one took me to the beach on that very special day. Since he knows that I love going to the beach, it’s the one place were I could let my feeling out, a place were the noise of the ocean turns in lullaby to my ears and puts me asleep. He knew that I would really enjoy it. The ocean and I have history for that very reason we had a beautiful lunch and then later on we went off to a cruise.

Spending one whole day with the person that you love makes you realize many things that probably you haven’t been able to notice. For example one thing that I notice from my beloved one was that he asks me several questions before valentines to come to the conclusion of what were going to do for the evening of Valentines. Which its pretty sweet and romantic at the same time because you never actually expect them to do something that you mention in their own very way.

We went to San Pedro to just eat sea food, but we had planned that after we ate we were going to go watch a movie, but it never happened that way. Since he knows that I love the ocean he bought tickets for a cruise which was one my greatest experiences. Just by been by side looking at the waves coming our way, getting wet, and looking at the sunset the mood and reminded me of the true meaning of what valentines really meant. When we went off to the cruise I wasn’t expecting to see whales, sea lions and even dolphins swimming close to the boat. A day were love,companion,and loyalty is shown.

In conclusion the whole purpose of Valentines day is to spend it with their beloved ones. Like what my beloved one did for me in a very special important way for me. I love what he did for me it proved a lot to me and I love him for that his done for me. The one thing that meant a lot to me was when he whispered in my ear and said the whole ocean is yours and he loves your presence hear as you could see and hear the breeze.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Neat or Sloppy,"What Kind Of Person Are You"?

Neat or Sloppy,” What Kind Of Person Are You”?

After I read the essay “Neat People vs. Sloppy People” and”The Messy are in Denial” from the book At a Glance I identified myself as a sloppy person. I can’t see myself as a neat freak, because I wouldn’t make it thru the week because everything around me would be chaotic. The reasons why I identified myself as sloppy person is for the following three reasons,one because I’m the type of person who likes to keep memories in general, two I'm a person who has everything all over the place, and I’m very dependable on those who are super organized.

The first reason why I considered myself sloppy is because I’m the type of person who likes to keep memories in general. When I mean memories in general I’m talking about photos, scrapbooks, and things that have a meaning to me and that I keep. Unlike a person who is neat doesn’t like to keep things and take room where they could use it for their daily base. I’m detail oriented which means that I love making scrapbooks and taking my time to make them look nice. I also like to keep things that have a special meaning or specified an important event or remind me of something. Alot of people might think of it as trash,but under my eyes their unforgettable memories,that I want to make them last forever.

The second reason is that I’m a person who can’t keep things in their place. For Example Monday morning the room looks spotless, but by Tuesday night the room is a mess. I have shoes all over the room, clothes in the closet, restroom and so on. I can’t do my bed because I’m always running late; my handbag is a mess full of old receives and things that I don’t really need. In other words I’m not an organize person, I live my live as it comes. The only way that I would clean my room would be when my roommate asks me to, but if she doesn’t I wouldn’t do it.Another thing why I can't keep things in their place is because I use them once and eventually later on during the day I will reuse them again,so I don't hesistate to put it in its place.Therefore I can't keep things in their place and its not that my a nasty trashy person I just simply disorganized.
Thirdly, I'm very dependable on the people who are super organized they seem to make my life easier and keep me in track in what I'm supposed to be doing.When a person is well organized they seem to set the example to me and emphasise me to keep myself organized.Not only that,but when a person is disorganized it doesnt mean that their no good for themselves its just that they dont know how to manage their time that sometimes they always need that extra help.That's why its always a nice to have friends to come around and rescue you from the mess.
In conclusion I believe that its hard to find hard core neat people.The reason why I say this is because everyone in this world is disorganized at some point and we cant live our live full of neatness because its trully impossible. We could try it for a couple days,but eventually we wont be able to keep it up for more then a couple days.Therefore I also know that many of us keep things that have a significant value to us,it would take space off your wall,but for nothing in the world you would throw it away.Finally,its wonderful to have friends,relatives and even beloved ones around to help when your drowing in your mess,its always helpful and well appreciated from those who sometimes have a hard time been neat.